Custom Cut Polished & Wire Wrapped Redstone Set: Necklace/Pendant & Earrings Sterling Silver .935
We have been honored by Bob sister Dorothy whom was able to get us a chuck of the stone while we were sister East Longmeadow, MA years ago. A true one of a kind with lots of history.
Over all size: Necklace/Pendant 1 5/8 × 9/16 inch or 41mm x 14mm Earrings: 1 3/16 × 3/8 inch or 30mm x 10mm
Redstone is a type of sandstone that is rich in iron oxide and was used extensively in architecture in the northeastern United States during the 19th century 1. It was a popular building material for brownstone residential properties and public buildings, such as Boston’s historic Trinity Church 1. Redstone was also used for the construction of the pillars around Springfield Armory, which were quarried from more than 100 East Longmeadow quarries 2.
History of stone quarrying in East Longmeadow passion of town historian - masslive.com
This Massachusetts town was once home to 100 quarries; learn more at Monday talk - masslive.com