Custom Cut Polished & Wire Wrapped Wavy Dolomite set Necklace/Pendant/Slide/Enhancer & Earrings Sterling Silver .935
Size: Necklace/Pendant 1 1/4 × 1 inch or 57mm x 25mm Earrings: 1 1/8 × 1/2 inch 28mm x 13mm
A pretty patterned stone known as Wave Dolomite, Wavy Dolomite or Rolling Hills Dolomite. Dolomite is a sedimentary carbonate rock and is found all over the world. Dolomite is both a mineral and a rock. The mineral is the pure form, and Dolomite rock is composed mostly of Dolomite but also with impurities such as Calcite, Quartz, and Feldspar. Dolomite is named for the French mineralogist, Deodat de Dolomieu. Metaphysical Properties: Wave Dolomite is believed to be good for enhancing your mood or relieving sorrow.