Custom Wire Wrapped Alexandrite Faceted (Corundum) Necklace/Pendant/Slide/Enhancer Sterling Silver .935
Over all size: 1 7/16 × 1/2 inch or 36mm x 13mm
Beautiful and it color changes like a Real Alexandrite but is synthetic as it says.
Alexandrite, with its chameleon-like qualities, is a rare variety of the mineral chrysoberyl. Its color can be a lovely green in daylight or fluorescent light, changing to brownish or purplish-red in the incandescent light from a lamp or candle flame. This is a result of the complex way the mineral absorbs light.
Alexandrite’s dramatic color change is sometimes described as “emerald by day, ruby by night.” Other gems also change color in response to a light source change, but this gem’s transformation is so striking that the phenomenon itself is often called “the alexandrite effect.”
Alexandrite is the birthstone for the month of June (along with the pearl) and the Anniversary stone for the 55th year of marriage. It is also considered Friday’s stone or the stone of “Friday's Child.”https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=treasure%20tree%20jewelry%20robert%20%26%20mary%20mcintire&epa=SEARCH_BOX