Custom Cut Polished & Wire Wrapped Rockbridgeite Necklace/Pendant/Slide/Enhancer in Sterling Silver Wire .935
Size over all: 1 13/16 × 5/8 inch or 46mm x 16mm
What is Rockbridgeite: A Virginia Gemstone that is relatively rare mineral name for Rockbridge County Virginia. It was first recognized in this in sample from the Midvale Iron Mine south of Vesuvius. The Name Rockbridgeite was proposed by Professor Clifford Frondell of Harvard University from material previously identified as dufrenite (Frondell 1949) The Midvale mine has been reclaimed & no evidence of mining remains. The mineral occurs as dark green, fine grained bands with reddish brown to black goethite. Wellformed crystals of rockbridgeite have not been reported. Othe associated minerals are cacoxenite, dulfrenite, kidwellite, and strengite (Kearns & Penick 1989) It takes an excellent polish which resembles black jade.