Custom Cut Polished & Wire Wrapped Polished Pink Hokie Stone from Virginia Tech Quarry Set: Earrings, Necklace/Pendant/Slide/Enhancer Sterling Silver .935
Overall size: Pendant/Necklace: 1 3/4 × 11/16 or 45mm x 17mm Earrings: 1 3/16 × 9/16 or 30mm x 14mm
this is from the Pink quarry at Virginia Tech that was given to us to make one of a kind special customized jewelry. We had people asking not to polish because they want them to look more like the buildings at the University..... So here you go.... On of a kind for sure...
One of a kind jewelry for the graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
One of a kind jewelry for the graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and for the mother of a graduate..
Facilities Services has operated a university owned quarry since 1869. The ashlar patterned stone facades (Hokie Stone) used on campus buildings are constructed of native limestone quarried and surfaced by Facilities Services personnel. Virginia Tech's local quarry produces 25 to 50 tons of stone each week to support the supply for new buildings on campus.
This is a video that was professionally done for us on what we do with our jewelry by Shenandoah Living Magazine please check it out: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Treasure-Tree-Jewelry-Robert-Mary-McIntire/84497959729?ref=hl#!/photo.php?fbid=10151790575894730&set=a.10151509202784730.1073741840.84497959729&type=3&theater
Facilities Services has operated a university-owned quarry since 1869. The ashlar patterned stone facades (Hokie Stone) used on campus buildings are constructed of native limestone quarried and surfaced by Facilities Services personnel. Virginia Tech's local quarry produces 25 to 50 tons of stone each week to support the supply for new buildings.