Custom Cut Polished & Wire Wrapped Bridewell Stone Set: Necklace/Pendant/Slide/Enhancer, Earrings Sterling Silver .935
Overall size: Pendant/Necklace 1 15/16 x 11/16 inch or 49mm x 18mm Earrings 1 3/16 x 1/2 inch or 31mm x 12mm
A special type of stone made by a couple we know that is so unique as is our jewelry and what we love to do.
Bridewell Stone Man was Made by friends of ours Ray & Amy Bridewell.
What is Bridewell Stone: At Bridewell Stone Studio they mix and melt pure earth elements to over 2450 degrees. Volcanic temperatures liquefy the molten matrix to elements and cause crystalline formations to bloom in our man-made magma. Our special mix of elements is slowly cooled in custom-made kilns to foster the environment for full expressions of this crystallography activity. Each Stone is a unique Moment frozen in time