Custom wire wrapped Rhodochrosite Bracelet in Sterling Silver Wire rare stone from old stock
size of stone 25mm x 10mm or 1 x 3/8 inches.
Rhodochrosite is Argentina's "national gemstone". Colorado officially named rhodochrosite as its state mineral in 2002.
Rhodochrosite is a manganese mineral that makes an interesting gemstone due to its distinctive raspberry red and pink stripes. Due to its composition, rhodochrosite is also referred to as manganesespar or as raspberryspar with reference to its color. The name rhodochrosite comes from the Greek word, "rhodokhros", meaning "rose colored". In Argentina, rhodochrosite stalagmites formed in Inca silver mines that were abandoned centuries ago. Sometimes it is also called "Rosa del Inca" or "Inca rose stone" and it is said that the Incas believed that rhodochrosite was the blood of their former rulers that had turned to stone.
Rhodochrosite occurs in both aggregate and crystal form. The transparent raspberry-colored crystal form is rare and is bought at high prices by collectors. Rhodochrosite is the national gemstone of Argentina and the state mineral of Colorado, due to significant deposits being discovered in both places.